Dept. of IT Convergence

- Dept. of Computer and Communication
- Location Building 8, 4F
- Tel +82-31-720-2070
- Fax +82-31-720-2263
- Information
After graduation, you will be able to find a job in broad areas such as semiconductors, display devices, mobile phone, mobile communication systems, IT equipment, computers and peripherals, internet of things, microprocessors, embedded system, RFID, home networks, home appliances, measurement devices, electronic components, medical devices or PCB design and layout design.
- Faculty
POSITION NAME EMAIL EDUCATION Professor Kong, Byung Ok Digital Communication System; B.S., M.S.,Ph.D., Hankuk Aviation Univ., 1981, 1983, 1991. Professor Kang, Jeong Jin ■ Brief Resume :
Ph.D. (Electronic Engineering), 1991.
Present : Professor, Dong Seoul University(, Korea.
Present : President, The Institute of Internet, Broadcasting, and Communication(, Korea.
Present : Advisory, Seongnam city(, Korea.
2020.3~2021.12 Art Culture Program, Seoul National University(, Korea.
2012.3~2012.6 4-Dimension Spiritual Program, Hansei University(, Korea.
2011.3~2011.8 Advanced Convergence Program, KAIST(, Korea.
2007.2~2010.2 : Exchange Professor, Michigan State University(, USA.
1991.8~2005.8 : Adjunct Professor, Konkuk University(, Korea.
1997 : Visiting Researcher, Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute(, Korea.
1984~1985 : Researcher, SAMSUNG Semiconductor Communication Co.(, Korea.
1982~1984 : Communication Officer(ROTC), Korea.
■ Research Area :
Fields & Device Physics, Antenna & Electromagnetic Wave, Mobile Communication & Computing, Smart & Cloud Convergence, Artificial Intelligenence, Advanced Culture Technology etc
■ Research Activities :
◽ Conduct of about 30 projects
◽ Approximately 50 articles published in SCI(E) and
SCOPUS journals
◽ Approximately 100 articles published in KCI registered
◽ Published about 20 books
◽ Applicated and Registered about 6 patents
■ Thesis Review :
◽ About 40 examinations of master's and doctoral
■ Academic Activities :
◽ General Chair, International Conference
(ISAAC, IJCC, IICCC) since 2013
◽ General Chair, Domestic Conference(IIBC, IPACT)
since 2009
◽ General Chair, Workshop since 2009
■ Administrative Activities :
◽ Performed KCI listing of Korean Journals (2 types)
◽ Performed KCI listing of International English Journals
(3 types)
■ Evaluation & Advisory Activities :
◽ Evaluation committee of government agency
◽ Corporate Technology Advisory
◽ Consultation for competition and publicity
■ Awards & Honors
◽ Achievement Award(7 times), Academic Award(1 time),
Academic Promotion Award(1 time), Best Paper
Award(about 30 times), Appreciation Award(1 time)
◽ Citation(4 times): Minister, Ministry of Education/President,
Korea Industrial Property Corporation, Ministry of
Labor/President and Chairman, Dong Seoul University
◽ Listing of People dictionary: Marquis Who's Who in the
World, 2010Professor Lee, Si Hyun Microprocessor, C++, CAD; B.S., Wonkwang Univ., 1987; M.S., Ph.D., Konkuk Univ., 1991, 1999. Professor Lee, Sang Ha Information Communication & Security; B.S., Ulsan Univ.,1987; M.S., Ph.D., Ajou Uni, 1991, 2001. Assistant Professor Park, Hyung Woo Information and communication; B.S., M.S., Ph.D., Soongsil Univ., 2004, 2010, 2013.
Present: Assistant Professor of Dong Seoul University, Korea
2020: Senior researcher of Samsung Co.
2015~2020 : Assistant Professor of Soongsil Univ.
2013~2015 : Junior researcher of Korea Rail Road Institute.Assistant Professor Oh, Hyun Seok B.E., Electrical Engineering; B.S., M.S., Ph.D., Kwangwoon Univ., 1995, 1998, 2006. Assistant Professor Han, Jeong Hwan Computer Science; B.S., M.S., Ph.D., Suwon Univ., 1994, 1997, 2006. Assistant Professor Kim, Yong Keun (Bachelor) Dept. of Computer Science, Ajou Univ, Feb., 1988., (Master) Dept. of Computer Engineering (in major of network security), Ajou Univ., Feb., 1990., (Professional Engineer degree) Computer System Application, Ministry of Science and ICT, July, 1995.